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The Penguin Squad

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raised so far


of $500 goal

This May, I'm participating in Steps Towards A Cure in support of the Children's Tumour Foundation (CTF) and those impacted by neurofibromatosis (NF) in Australia. 

More than 10,000 people across Australia are impacted by this rare and complex genetic condition that causes tumours to form around nerves, under the skin and deep in the body. Progressive and unpredictable, these tumours can lead to physical differences, blindness, deafness, learning difficulties, chronic pain, scoliosis and in 10% of people living with NF, they can become cancerous. 

There is no cure and treatment options are limited. Every 3 days a child is born with NF in Australia, but they will need a lifetime of support.

I'm stepping up for NF because I believe tumours should never be a person’s normal. I have a goal to raise {$500} to grow awareness of this condition and raise funds for much-needed research into more effective treatments – and eventually, a cure. Please support me, because together, small steps can be transformed into huge strides in the advancement of care for those living with NF. 

Every one of us can make a difference, and every dollar brings us a step closer to conquering NF.

Team Members

Alexander Sorrell
Mark Sorrell
Imogen Prider
Kevin Sorrell
Emily Hackett-Jones

